Autumn is a worship leader, speaker, author, pastor’s wife, and mom. Most importantly, she loves Jesus and lives to bring Him glory through life, not just by listening to the Word, but doing what it says.
Modern | Genuine
Worship is not an event, a song or a service. It’s a lifestyle lived in surrender to Christ. Autumn not only leads worship, but she lives her worship. Autumn regularly leads worship on Sunday mornings in her home church in downtown Indianapolis, IN and also leads for conferences and events all over the country.
Relevant | Biblical
Autumn is comfortable teaching small groups as well as keynote speaking to thousands. She is known for her straightforward and honest speaking style and enjoys any opportunity to encourage believers to live out their faith in everyday life.
Inspiring | Practical
Autumn is a syndicated columnist as the author of Fresh Ideas articles that are printed in multiple publications across the country. Autumn also co-authored Across the Street and Around the World with Diana Davis.